Sunfish provides these estimations for research purposes only.
We are not recommending any particular medical process; estimations are illustrative only. Different providers bucket costs differently; please speak with your provider for details.
Costs are estimated based on review of national averages.
Estimated costs are based on a review of average costs from providers nationwide conducted July 2022, and informed by Fertility IQ where applicable. Exact costs may vary significantly, especially geographically.
Insurance, discounts, and specific providers will impact your costs.
These results assume patients are paying out-of-pocket, without any insurance, employer benefits, discounts, or grants. Costs may vary significantly for your unique circumstance.
Better understand
my costs
Egg or Embryo Freezing
- Storage: We assume you’ll budget for 5 years of storage. Storage costs range from $500 to $1,000 per year, according to an industry review conducted July 2022, with the first year often free. We assume a midpoint of $750/year.
- Medication costs: Costs will vary from person to person, the above is intended to represent an average cost.
- Gestational surrogate fees: Costs may vary based on the experience and track record of the surrogate and their willingness to carry twins.
- Agency fee: Sunfish has seen prices tend to rise for more “full service” agencies.
- Legal fees: Prices rise with more detail, nuance, negotiation in contract.
- Psychological fees: Prices vary by provider and number of people to be evaluated.
- Surrogate Health insurance: Varies by their insurer, policy, number of embryos transferred.
Egg vs Embryo
- Egg retrieval: Costs for egg retrieval are often quoted on a per cycle basis. Women may elect to do 2 or more egg freezing cycles, since many IVF patients are not successful on their first cycle and opt to continue treatment.
Embryo Testing
- PGT-A (Genetic Testing): Sunfish has seen some clinics include the cost of the testing in the IVF offering.
Donor egg vs “my own”
- Donor egg: Assumes fresh egg donor.