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Decoding IVF: The Factors Contributing to Your Chance of Success


In recent years, the landscape of family planning has witnessed a significant shift, with more individuals and couples turning to assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization (IVF) to fulfill their dreams of parenthood. 

Simultaneously, the Sunfish team educates patients on their individual chances of success through IVF. This way you can make informed decisions, financially plan for your journey, ease the stress of uncertainty, and overall feel more prepared for your treatment.

What drives IVF success rates? We’ll shed light on which factors have been proven to impact your chance of success.

I. IVF Success Rates Demystified:

Embarking on the IVF journey can be both exciting and challenging. IVF success rates are typically measured by the percentage of live births per cycle. According to the latest available data, the average success rate for women under 35 is 44.5%. This means that most women under 35 still require multiple IVF cycles to achieve pregnancy. 

There is a fine balance between staying optimistic and informed because the majority of patients do see success in 2 to 3 cycles, and of course some people do achieve pregnancy on their first try. 

Success rates are highly personalized. We always recommend that you ask your doctor during your initial consult what factors might impact their chance of success. Your Reproductive Endocrinologist will have the most accurate and up to date information on your health journey and should help you better understand the factors outlined below. At Sunfish we work one on one with patients and their medical team to understand the unique biomarkers impacting their journey. 

II. The Role of Age in IVF Success:

Age, particularly the age of the egg provider, is a key factor. When the egg provider is under 35 they have an 80% chance of achieving pregnancy in 2 IVF cycles. Below illustrates how the number of IVF cycles it takes on average to reach an 80% chance of success changes with age.

  • 35 = 3 cycles
  • 37 = 4 cycles
  • 39 = 5 cycles
  • 41= 9 cycles

This is attributed to factors such as a decrease in egg quality and quantity, making it harder for fertilization and implantation to occur successfully. And the carrier (person who is pregnant) can have success at a variety of ages, with the oldest known female carrier in the US at age 57!

III. Underlying Health Conditions and Lifestyle Factors:

Underlying health conditions and lifestyle factors also contribute to IVF success rates. Chronic conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, or male factor infertility can affect the success of IVF treatments. Additionally, lifestyle factors such as body mass index (BMI), smoking, and alcohol consumption can influence fertility and the success of assisted reproductive technologies.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through nutrition, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep can positively impact IVF outcomes.

Advances in IVF Technology:

Technological advancements in the field of IVF have contributed to improved success rates. Innovations such as preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), which allows for the selection of embryos with the highest likelihood of implantation, have positively impacted outcomes. Additionally, improvements in laboratory techniques and embryo culture conditions have enhanced the overall efficiency of the IVF process.

Emotional and Psychological Factors:

The emotional and psychological well-being of individuals undergoing IVF cannot be overlooked. Stress, anxiety, and emotional strain can affect hormonal balance and potentially impact the success of IVF treatments. Supportive counseling, mindfulness practices, and holistic approaches to stress management are increasingly recognized as valuable components of comprehensive fertility care. Leaning on your loved ones and carving out time for yourself can feel easier said than done, but truly goes such a long way!


Decoding IVF success involves a nuanced understanding of various factors, including age, reproductive history, underlying health conditions, lifestyle factors, and the emotional well-being of individuals undergoing treatment. As technology continues to advance and our understanding of reproductive science deepens, the landscape of IVF success is likely to evolve. 

If you’re looking to better understand your individual chance of success, contact Sunfish.

Empowering individuals with information about these factors enables them to make informed decisions, actively participate in their fertility journeys, and work collaboratively with healthcare professionals to optimize their chances of achieving a successful pregnancy through IVF.